Version: 1.0.1
Language : English
Unity Hub
Adding modules to the Unity Editor

Download OSM Data

To start off, you must retrieve the relevant site location data for your project.


  1. Go to OpenStreetMap and register for an account (or log in if you do have an account)

  2. On the top left corner, enter the address of your planned site.

  3. Once your site has been located, determine the size of the surrounding environment that you wish to download. To change the size, simply use your scroll wheel to zoom in or out of the map.

  4. Once you are happy with your choice, press the “EXPORT” button at the top left header

  5. Press the second “EXPORT” button at the middle left of the screen to confirm your choice.

  6. Save the file to a directory of your choice and name the file to whatever you prefer.

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Unity Hub
Adding modules to the Unity Editor