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Adding modules to the Unity Editor

Carpark Simulation

  1. Before you start this, make sure that you have located the carpark you want to simulate, and the vehicle’s last movement is to reach the carpark, with a trigger to change the state to Carpark state.

  2. Drag the LotObject Prefab from Assets > Vehicle Simulation > CarparkDriving. Align it such that the taller cube is facing the front of the lot.

  3. Change the Change value under Trigger State Transition in the LotObject > PermissibleBounds to the same state value as the “Parked” state in your Animator State Model.

  4. Duplicate for all the carpark lots, and group them under an empty GameObject. Name them something intuitive like CarparkObjects

  5. Create another box collider (similar to a trigger), and place it at the entrance of the carpark you want to simulate. Make sure you place it a little behind the trigger object (the one that switches the state to Carpark).

  6. Add the component Teleporter to the box collider object.

  7. Fill up the Teleporter with the following parameters:

    • Carpark Object: The group of LotObject you placed in step 3
    • Spawn Delay: Random time taken for the car to appear parked
    • Next State: Copy the next state label from the State Machine Animator
    • Others: Leave the Towards unchecked.

  8. Done! Your carpark simulator should be running smoothly now

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Unity Hub
Adding modules to the Unity Editor