Version: 1.0.1
Language : English
Unity Hub
Adding modules to the Unity Editor

Straight Lines

  1. We first begin with a simple movement, just to move forward.

  2. Right click on the Hierarchy, and select Create Empty

  3. Drag the GameObject to the end of the straight road in which the Spawn Point is located on, and name it something like StraightRoad1

  4. Go to the AIController Prefab located in Assets > Vehicle Simulation > CarparkDriving. This AIController will be used for the vehicle spawned

  5. In the Inspector window, click Add Component, and add AIMFollow

  6. Now, give that AIMFollow component a Label name (for example, SpawnToDrive).

  7. Click on the SpawnPoint GameObject we created earlier and plus one to the size of the AIM Decision Points.

  8. Fill in the following accordingly:

    • Name or Label: Label of AIMFollow we gave earlier on (SpawnToDrive)
    • AIM Object: Type of AIM (AIMFollow, AIMOrbit, etc.)
    • Decision Point: GameObject we created at Step 3

  9. Finally, go to the State Machine Animator and add in SpawnToDrive as an allowed behaviour at the beginning.

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Unity Hub
Adding modules to the Unity Editor