Version: 1.0.1
Language : English
Unity Hub
Adding modules to the Unity Editor

Building the Waypoint System

By being able to construct different kinds of pathways, we are able to accomodate for different kinds of scenarios and behaviours.

  1. Create an empty GameObject and give it a name that you would like to name this path. Then, attach the AIM Linear Path component to the GameObject.

  2. Change the Point Count to 1 and a green sphere will pop out, this green sphere is the end point of the path.

  3. Click on Shortcuts to access the list of shortcuts on how to add points or remove points etc (which may differ for different OS).

  4. You may click on reverse if you would like to reverse the pathway, otherwise you set the variability when we are Scaling up the Simulation.

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Unity Hub
Adding modules to the Unity Editor