Version: 1.0.1
Language : English
Unity Hub
Adding modules to the Unity Editor

Scaling Up the Simulation

Disclaimer: this section is built on from the Building Waypoints System and Configure Agent Behaviours sections, please refer to those sections if you have not.
For this section, we would like to scale up the simulation by repeating a few same steps to create a large system of different waypoints to represent a realistic pedestrian simulation.
Furthermore, we need to vary the behaviours that agents have on the same waypoints to make it even more realistic.

  1. The first option is that for the AIM Linear Path object that you have created, you may click on Reverse to reverse the end point (indicated by the green sphere) of the route.

  2. With the AIM Linear Path object that you have constructed, click and drag agents onto different portions of the route and rotate them in the direction that you would like them to travel.

  3. Select the agent that you would like to configure first. Click on the point on the AIM Linear Path object closest to the agent and note the index. The point selected will be indicated by the orange dot in the middle. The index counting starts from 0 from the first point, where in this case below the index of the point is 4.

  4. Click on the agent that you would like to configure and go to the AIM Follow Waypoints component.
    Under the Enviroment Properties, assign it the corresponding AIM Linear Path object.

  5. On the same AIM Follow Waypoints component, under the Reactive Properties:

    • Set Target Index to the index you found in step 2
    • Step Size to 1 where the agent follows the forward sequence, OR Step Size to -1 where the agent follows the backward sequence.
    • Set Patrol to Circular.

  6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for all other agents on the particular AIM Linear Path object.

  7. Build another AIM Linear Path object (Building Waypoints System) and repeat steps 2 to 6 of this section.

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Unity Hub
Adding modules to the Unity Editor